This exciting reality series sees contestants compete in tasks that test both their strategic and creative skills. The tasks range from traditional media challenges, such as designing a billboard, conceptualizing a flash mob and implementing a mall activation to creating digital online campaigns. The contestants are judged by some of the most respected and influential professionals in the digital marketing and media business, Odette van der Haar, Sylvester Chauke and Nandi Madida.
The first 3 episodes show regional finalists competing in Johannesburg, Durban and Cape Town respectively. The selected 12 national finalists then move to a house in Cape Town for the rest of the series where they are tasked with tackling an array of challenges that are specifically designed to test whether they have the persona, creativity and skill-set to be one of the three winners who become brand ambassadors and get the opportunity to work with Capitec’s marketing team at the bank’s Johannesburg, Durban or Cape Town regional offices.